Review: Harvey's Free Burger Day.
free burger review... A couple weeks ago I posted about the Free Burger Day at Harvey's (May 24, 2009), so obviously I had to partake in this special day of the year.haha. I actually went to my friend's cottage for the weekend up in Muskoka, so we made sure to hit up a Harvey's on the way back to Toronto. We got to the lone Harvey's store in a town called Gravenhurst at 2:44 pm, just in time as the free burger promotion ended at 3 pm. There was no lineup at all, and the staff there were all super friendly, reminding everyone that you could get a free burger. Many of these free food promotions often end up in the places skimping on the food and giving you a bit less, especially when theres lineups. For this promo though, Harvey's gets the Good Food Toronto seal of approval as the burgers were the same as usual, with the employees taking time to put all the condiments and toppings on (extra pickles ftw!).
I heard from friends that there were long lineups in Toronto locations, but I guess I was just lucky enough to be at the Gravenhurst location that day. If you missed out on this, no worries... since Harvey's is giving away free burger coupons for each burger you buy until August 2, 2009. Check out the pic of the receipt as well, I love getting receipts that show $0.00 for free food promos (like the one I got for the 72 oz steak, haha).
None of these cheap buns that you can buy where they crumble from the moisture of the sauce or from the juices of the meat. Food Truck Catering